She urged the stallion faster.....
Everything was changing around her too quickly, as if she was standing still and the world was spinning fifty times faster than it normally should.
She urged him faster yet.....
And the worst part of it was that this had all happened the same way before. She couldn't stand the thought of reliving that nightmare.
And faster again.....
She didn't want to do this again. She couldn't. She had no strength left in her to take any more of it. Why did it have to happen?
She tried to push the horse faster. His foaming legs and shoulders and his labored breathing finally awakened Bridget out of her thoughts. She slowed the horse down to a walk and halted him by a large piece of driftwood. Tying his reins to the log she stroked his sweat drenched hide. She felt truly sorry and she tried to make the poor stallion realize that.
Removing her heavy riding boots she dug her feet into the sand, still slightly warm from the summer sun. Slowly she walked to the edge of the sea and let the waves play tag with her ankles. Staring out onto the glassy water she wondered what tomorrow would bring. For as much as she hated to admit she would have to return to that little stone cottage she called home.
The moon shone high above her casting her shadow brightly on the shore. She breathed in the salty air that was slightly accented by the smell of clover wafting from the meadows. Her parents had told her that God was with them in all this. But what she wanted to know is how he could do this to her and her family for a second time.
Yet, he must have a plan she reasoned. And who was she to question the mind of her Heavenly Father. All He needed from her is to be patient and have faith that he would carry them through. She sighed, how could she have doubted His care for her? She lowered herself onto the sand and hugged her knees to her chest. Closing her eyes she laid her head in her lap and begged her Father to give her strength to carry on. Only not her own strength, but His strength. To let Him carry her cause she could not do it on her own. And also faith. Faith that everything would turn out for the better if she just allowed Him to take her hand and lead her.
Rising to her feet she walked back to her stallion who was lazily browsing on sea grass by the log. Remounting she looked off onto the sea one last time. She could do it now. She could take it. But what was different is that she had her Father next to her to go through it with her. And with Him by her side...a nightmare could become an adventure.